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  • Writer's pictureAnthony Tattersall

Cost-effective deliveries for Strulch help plants through the heatwaves

Updated: Jul 8

The recent heatwaves have highlighted how important it is to keep plants healthy and Strulch like other mulches help retain vital moisture in the soil. Here at Darcica Logistics we help deliver this much needed product across Oxfordshire and the UK via our overnight deliveries through the Palletways network.

Used by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), leading garden centres, golf courses and gardens across the UK and Europe; Strulch is manufactured in Britain.

Made entirely from locally sourced quality wheat straw with added iron minerals. The patented process stabilises and colours the straw producing and easy-to-use garden mulch. For use on borders, raised beds, around cultivated fruit and on vegetable plots. Strulch is so important when there’s water shortages to keep plants healthy.

Mulching retains moisture in the soil and is widely recommended as good gardening practice. Other benefits include:

  • Slug and snail deterrent

  • Lasting weed control

  • Reduces watering

  • Adds organic matter

A sustainable product, Strulch is made from renewable and local resources which do not harm the environment and it’s been verified for use in organic growing systems.

But helping the environment doesn’t end there, after use, Strulch bags can either be re-used (they make great storage bags for homemade compost!) or recycled. The bags are made from recyclable plastic (Low-density polyethylene, or LDPE, number 4-coded plastic) which can be taken to a local recycling centre if your local authority does not offer a household collection.

So how does much-needed Strulch get delivered across the UK to its end destinations?

Produced, bagged and palletised in Oxfordshire, it’s then picked up by a locally based, family-run sustainable fulfilment and delivery company, that’s us! Darcica collects and distributes Strulch through its overnight deliveries network with Palletways; the leading network for express palletised freight. Darcica also direct delivers locally to households, golf courses and gardens centres in Oxfordshire. With up to 150 pallet deliveries a week; that’s a lot of plants being nourished with much needed Strulch!

Strulch is also regularly sent abroad; pallet deliveries go to Ireland, The Channel Islands, France, Germany and Italy

Despite the summer soon to be drawing to a close, with hose pipe bans and recent trends, we may see a warm September. So ahead of Organic September, Strulch recommends a much-needed Autumn application. Do this after rain, but before the first frosts of winter, so that the soil beneath the mulch is still moist and warm.

Darcica Logistics store and collect a wide range of palletised goods to be distributed across the UK with the ability to deliver over 600 pallets a week from the Oxfordshire areas.

For more information on storing, delivering and distributing pallets please contact us.

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